
Being Kind

This has been sitting with me for awhile and I have been struggling trying to figure out how to address it, or if I even should because of the backlash I may get.  But I can't be worried about that - the well being of my family and others is too important.   "Hate the sin, love the sinner".   I hate this phrase, especially when it is thrown at the LGBTQ+ community.  These words are why we left the church we had been going to when the girls were born. (Yes you all have done a lot for us when we needed help and I will always be thankful.  But this matters and this has hurt us)  Here is the thing: that phrase is never in the Bible. Jesus calls us to love thy neighbor as thyself. But when one use that phrase, you are not viewing them as your neighbor - you're passing judgement. It isn't our place to judge and condemn.  Our job is to love.  Most people I've talked to claim they say those words out of love and tolerance. But when these words are said to LGBTQ+ peopl